Author: MediaPlus

  • Redding Advertising Inc.

    Redding Advertising Inc.

    Every great business starts with an idea. For Chris Zwaga, this idea began in 1981 and became an incorporated reality in 1982 when Redding Advertising Inc. was first introduced and reintroducing this name is another exciting step in our journey. Incorporated in 1982: Redding Advertising Inc. Doing Business As: Media Plus. Media Plus was founded…

  • Digital Advertising in Redding

    Digital Advertising in Redding

    Are you looking for a digital marketing agency that goes beyond the work surrounding websites, SEO, Google Ads, and social media campaigns? Although these services are absolutely helpful when the expertise is needed, what makes Media Plus stand out is our ability to also provide high-quality digital advertising on any platform and device. From premium…

  • To Us – It’s More Than a Job – It’s Our Home

    To Us – It’s More Than a Job – It’s Our Home

    At Media Plus, we believe in the power of local connections because The Northstate isn’t just where we do business; it’s been our home for a lifetime. This also means that we are committed to being accountable for everything we do and we have immediate access to the resources needed to address any challenges quickly…

  • The Original – Beware of Imitators

    The Original – Beware of Imitators

    Our Competition? We don’t see it that way. What Media Plus has to offer goes far beyond the typical ‘agency’. In fact, we are proud to partner with local agencies when their services are required to better aid our clientele. However, for media buying purposes, we have found that using additional partners to place any…

  • Unbox Your Advertising

    Unbox Your Advertising

    Even in today’s fast-paced digital world, it’s easy to assume that everyone knows who you are and what you offer. However, the reality is that even the most well-known brands need to continually reintroduce themselves to stay relevant and top-of-mind. This is where the concept of “unboxing your advertising” comes into play. The Importance of…

  • Understanding the ATSC 3.0 Tuner Box and Its Limitations

    The Zinwell ATSC 3.0 tuner box is a nifty device that can be used with your smart TV, allowing you to enjoy all broadcast content, including NextGen TV, on your existing television. But, as with all tech, it comes with its quirks. One major limitation is that the Zinwell box and your streaming platforms, like…

  • Turn that old Cell Phone into a mini -TV!

    Turn that old Cell Phone into a mini -TV!

    Did you know that you can turn an old cell phone (or your current one) into a portable receiver for free over-the-air television? I was excited to see how this would work in two different markets: one with NextGen TV and one without. To test this, I used one of my old devices to see…

  • Active Advertising: Your Business Deserves It!

    Active Advertising: Your Business Deserves It!

    Introducing, The Media Plus Approach: The media landscape is changing, and our local businesses deserve more than just a set-it-and-forget-it approach to advertising. At Media Plus, we don’t commit your business to long-term advertising contracts. In fact, we pride ourselves on bringing up-to-date, innovative ideas to the table for our clients every month, based on…

  • Don’t Do It All – It Can Sink Your Business

    Don’t Do It All – It Can Sink Your Business

    The Pitfalls of Passion: Running your own business can be incredibly challenging, especially if you try to do everything yourself. Imagine a talented pie baker who decides to open a pie shop. Instead of training other bakers, they insist on making every single pie themselves. At first, it might seem like a great idea. The…

  • Why Hire Constance @ Media Plus?

    Welcome to Media Plus Redding! I’m Constance, a proud local of our beautiful hometown. Growing up here has given me a deep understanding of our community and its unique business landscape. This local insight, combined with my extensive experience in advertising, makes me the perfect partner to help you achieve your business objectives. Let’s discuss…